last day doing HSM2.
and for some reason this bright and early morning-
i don't really feel that sad.
i've been "singing all for one" for 5 fucking tiring months.
but tonight i know i will miss it.
i've been with my HSM family for 5 fucking tiring motnhs!
how can i not miss that?
humuhumu will forever play in my head- even though to this day
i still don't know the words. <-- i seriously just chuckled at myself
as i wrote that.
as my own personal closing ceremony, it think ill write a blurb
about the people i was close to (or not so close to) during
my fa-fa-fabulous stay at the country club with my wildcats.
im trying not to make it specific but if you know me, you'll most likly know who im talking about. whatevs.
girl #1: i fucking love your guts. you as so amazing and im glad
we were telepathic sistahs. and no, i don't just love you for your
GRAY car (it's gray- trust me) but you must admit it helped us
get from my weedle apt. to the theater. and without my doctor phil/
wing women i do not think it would have been possible to get through my dating woes.
boy #2: you are hilarious. some people don't get your crazy sense of humor but you make me pee my pants. every time. im happy for your new love- if someone deserves a man, it's you. i look at you and im like: this guy's going to freaking do something with his life. you're on my top- congrats.
girl #3: what to say. you have a personality that is defiantly love or hate. i mostly love it. you remind me less of like, a friend, and more like a sister because we do have highs and lows but we always have fun. you're a great girl and im glad i got to know someone so unlike myself. but, i do see a little of me in you sometimes. we're chicas. and we can hit on m**t anytime. and please stop wearing thongs. because your under garments always cause some drama.
boy #4: hmm. ok i totally liked you at one point but now im so freaken glad were just amigos. lets not ruin our great friendship. no matter where were hanging out its always a good time. im glad we got to know each other more in this HSM then the last one. you have a whole freaken lot to offer a girl someday, don't waste it.
boy #5: i used to think you were so cute and innocent, but hey, i guess i was wrong. but every girl like surprises. ;) ok. that was a joke. if i were to say something totally anonymously and you would never find out (hm, like this blog for instance?) i would probably tell you that not to let attention ruin your innocence. you're a newbie in the game of love, (like the rest of us) and i know a great girl out there would like that. someone will look through the amount of times you say "hitler" in one day and just dig you. for sure.
boy #6: ok, here's a boy that has retained his innocence throughout the attention. this is why everyone is more drawn to you, then your counterpart. you're so awkward and like, so unsmooth around the ladies. this gives you your charm! you showed me that you don't have to pretend you're something that your not. i know we will not talk after the show, but i really do hope i see you like. having a good girlfriend one day. you freaken deserve it.
girl #7: you've been through fucking
a lot. i can tell. but you show up every rehersal and do your thing, even if it's hard sometimes. i know you been through a lot of crap with specific boys out there tugging you around but you're beautiful just the way you are. you need someone that will focus on you, not you, and other girl(s). because you have so much to offer. and im so glad we got to know eachother, again, more than the last HSM. im on your side chica.
girl #8: you have a personality that is defiantly more hate than love. to be honest. i've never shown you that i liked you, because i don't. to be blunt. but i completely understand were you're coming from. i can tell the way you act around people is a shield because you're insecure. there's a light toward the end of the tunnel, and if you just let down your exterior i know people have the possibility of really getting to know/ liking you for who you are.
boy #9: you are way to old for me but you're freaken sexy. keep it up. im kidding. you have a great sarcastic humor, like me. you're just an all around good guy and please just keep your hair blonde. please.
girl #10: your one of my favies just because you're an all around likable, no drama girl. like theres never anyone gossiping about you, no one ever saying shit about you. thats because you're just so loveable. (: i would like to see you take center stage sometime soon, you've spent far to long on the side lines. maybe you'll be good, maybe you won't but you should defiantly take a chance.
girl #11: ok i have no freaken clue what to say about you because everything i have heard about you has been from other people. really bad, and really good. i don't think i would go actually out of my way to get to know you, as horrible as that sounds. one peice of advice: do not ever wait around for that guy. i have, and its not worth it.
girl #12: your own bestfriend doesn't appreciate you, but i can see why she would even call you her bestfriend in the first place. to me, you are like the sweetest person and im glad you get to be apart of the HSM2 crew because you wanted to be so badly after you saw HSM1. my advice for you: be strong and don't take shit from anyonee.
i haven't done everyone. but who i have done, you stand out to me. im going to miss this. alot.