we look up at the stars
and the earth falls out from beneath us
each twinkling star placed by hands much bigger than our own
star dust is blown in the blackness, with wind that blows faster than we have ever known
we are so limited
we squeeze the sky and the stars that hang so preciously in the sky
in our limited brains, in our elementary textbooks
in science class, someone with a whiteboard and a pointer
tells us how the earth was formed
with chemicals and gases and mistakes
but as you're sitting there in that generic blue plastic chair you feel there is something more
and just to think were are just a speck on a speck the orbits another speck
just to think the sun could suck us dry if it imploded, by chance
just to think acid jungles and ocean worlds might be orbiting somewhere
and we wouldn't know it
but someone would
just to think, our little blue and green twinkling planet hung up in air:
people live day to day
the flock of sheep all move in the same direction, it's all humanity has ever known
a child looks up in the starry night, his big brown eyes filled with the whimsical universe
and wonders how everyone walks with their eyes closed if there is so much to see
wonders why when you push bigger and bigger with your mind you always hit a wall, where you can't think anymore
it's just easier to think about your own day to day instead
when you think someone has got to have placed those stars
someone has got to have painted that night blacker than black
someone has got to have lightly blown on each little planet making it orbit like
a little kids science project
and when you stand and tell me that the someone who hung my world
knows how many hairs there are on my head
it's too big, too magical for me to understand
because i think, why would He want to know me?
i don't stand much taller than the dirty ground i walk on
but sometimes you just have to think that if He took that much time
making the universe spin and twirl in beautiful silence and heart-stopping beauty
He thought you should be in it; because you're here aren't you?
He spent time weaving each thread of hair
painting each freckle
and putting the stars in our eyes
for a reason
so we could walk hand in hand through the stars
i would be in a spacesuit
and He'd be cloaked in the stars, He'd point out the milky way and smile
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